The Power Of Words

Fatima Karim
5 min readMar 1, 2018


Hi to all , i love to share this beautiful quote with you here hope you like :

Choose your words :

Words can create love or hate, tears or smiles, harmony or chaos, war or peace. Choose your words with consideration and respect for one and all

AbdusSamad @Abdussamad_AIF

Golden Advice of the day


this quote make sense to me and love to share with people here :

Even when disagreeing with someone, choose good words. There’s no need to be rude and hurtful because you don’t share their point of view
Ismail Menk

i would love to add this Verse from the Holy Quran as well :

a good word like a good tree

{ … a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky }

(The Quran 14:24)

A Good Word is Charity

Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity ”
Prophet Muhammad ,Peace Be Upon Him.


here the Hadith :

Every small bone of everyone has upon it a charitable act for everyday upon which the sun rises. Bringing about justice between two is an act of charity. Helping a man get on his mount, lifting him onto it or helping him put his belongings onto it, is a charitable act. A good word is a charitable act. Every step you take toward the prayer is a charitable act. And removing a harmful thing from the path is a charitable act.

(Recorded in al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad ,Peace Be Upon Him

Reference : 40 Hadith Nawawi 26

and here another one :

Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity, commanding good and forbidding evil is charity, your giving directions to a man lost in the land is charity for you. Your seeing for a man with bad sight is a charity for you, your removal of a rock, a thorn or a bone from the road is charity for you. Your pouring what remains from your bucket into the bucket of your brother is charity for you.”

Prophet Muhammad ,Peace Be Upon Him

Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1956

and remember :

Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like


yesterday i shared a post titled The Tongue

The tongue is very small and light but it can take you to the greatest heights and it can put you in the lowest depths

Al Ghazali


another quote that i love so much :

“ A Persons tongue can give you the taste of his heart “

- Ibn Al-Qayyim


few minutes ago i created this meme :

“ Speak kindly ” | The Quran 2:83 |

“ Speak truthfully ” | The Quran 3:17 |

“ Speak justly ” | The Quran 6:152 |

“ Speak graciously ” | The Quran 17:23 |

“ Speak fairly ” | The Quran 17:28 |

“ Speak politely ” | The Quran 17:53 |

“ Speak no lie ” | The Quran 22:30 |

“ Speak gently ” | The Quran 20:44 |

“ Speak not in vein ” | The Quran 23:3 |

“ Speak straight ” | The Quran 33:70 |


another verses about speak kindly to people and Do NOT be rude in speech

Do not be rude in speech (The Quran 3:159)

Restrain Anger (The Quran 3:134)

Be good to others (The Quran 4:36)

Do not be arrogant (The Quran 7:13)

Forgive others for their mistakes (The Quran 7:199)

Speak to people mildly (The Quran 20:44)

Lower your voice (The Quran 31:19)

Do not ridicule others (The Quran 49:11)

Be dutiful to parents(The Quran 17:23)

Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (The Quran 17:23)

And speak kindly to people (The Quran 2:83)


in this thread 100 Direct Instructions by God in the Quran for Mankind 16 Part or read from my blog link

{ Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant }

{ The Quran 7:199 } Pickthall Translation

Note : you can listen to the Quran in Audio English Recitation by :

-1- Pickthall with AbdulBaset AbdulSamad

This is the complete set of the Holy Qur’an along with an English Verse-by-Verse translation. The Arabic is recited by AbdulBaset AbdulSamad [Murattal/Mujawwad]. The English is read by Naeem Sultan using the Pickthall Translation.

Quran Audio English Translation — Marmaduke Pickthall

-2- Ibrahim Walk with AbdulBaset AbdulSamad [Saheeh Intl Translation]

This is the complete set of the Holy Qur’an along with an English Verse-by-Verse translation. The Arabic is recited by AbdulBaset AbdulSamad The English is read by Ibrahaim Walk using the Saheeh InternationalTranslation.

if you want i have an app on my phone named :

Quran Audio — Eng Pickthal — Android Apps on Google Play

a screenshot of the app

remember this :

  • — always to use good words
  • — Keep to forgiveness
  • — enjoin kindness
  • — speak kindly to people
  • — Do NOT be rude in speech
  • — turn away from the ignorant

thank you for reading

God knows best.



Fatima Karim
Fatima Karim

Written by Fatima Karim

It is Allah who brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts. ―Quran 16:78 My Twitter @fatimakarimms

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