Quotes : Don’t look down on others

Fatima Karim
2 min readFeb 27, 2018



Hi to all just want to add this amazing quotes by Ismail Menk

Quote 1 :

“ Don’t look down on anyone. Remember, we all sin. Yes, we all do, without exception. And we’re all in need of the same forgiveness from the same Creator, who is most Merciful. May the Almighty forgive us all


Ismail Menk


Quote 2 :

Get rid of arrogance from your heart. Don’t ever feel the need to look down on someone; not for anything that the Almighty has given you — your wealth, power, good looks etc. Remember His Might and Power and how He can take away your blessings in seconds

Ismail Menk


Quote 3 :

Always have your feet firmly planted on the ground and stay humble. Don’t look down on others, no matter how less well-off they appear. Remember, the one you look down on today might be the person you have to look up to tomorrow. Such is life!

Ismail Menk


in the end as Muslims we are commanded to not walk on the earth arrogantly :


{ Do not walk on the earth in haughty style. You can neither tear the earth apart, nor can you match the mountains in height }

| The Quran 17:37 |

few months ago i posted this thread on Twitter about 100 Instructions in the Quran for Mankind

i hope you enjoyed this

I just finished reading this book “What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims” by Suzanne Haneef and it was just so amazing and touching.
great book. i recommend to everyone. here a link to read and download


Thank you

God knows best.



Fatima Karim

It is Allah who brought you out of your mothers’ wombs knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts. ―Quran 16:78 My Twitter @fatimakarimms