my favorite books
two days ago i posted this thread about the books i have read
Books I’ve read the last few years that I recommend
-1- “ Misgod’ed : A Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance in the Abrahamic Religions “ by Dr Laurence B. Brown
2- God’ed? Dr Laurence B. Brown
Bold in its premise and masterful in its execution, MisGod’ed by author, physician, and ordained minister Laurence B. Brown teases common threads in the complex world of organized religion from the tangled mass of religious misdirection. An earnest search for truth, this text unveils both the corruptions and commonalities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to fill the current void of intellectual discourse on the subject. For those readers who are intrigued but skeptical of organized religion, especially strict, literal interpretation of the Bible, this book articulates many of the questions readers have about religion, and poses others of its own. It provides a comprehensive, historically based analysis of documents, traditions and institutions. The central theme is to examine Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for truth in revelation, and trace the chain of revelation to its logical conclusion. Solicitous and precise, this text captures the essence of what it means to be a person of God. -credit review from his website MisGod’ed |
3- What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims by Suzanne Haneef PDF
-4- Islam: The Path of God By Suzanne Haneef PDF
Suzanne Haneef is an American convert to Islam.
Written by an American Muslim, this work presents a brief yet comprehensive survey of the basic teachings on the significance of Islam’s central concept, faith in and submission to God. It introduces the reader to how Muslims feel about various aspects of life, how they worship, and how Muslims living in the West practice their religion. Perhaps you have been hearing a lot about Islam and Muslims in the news and are interested in knowing, justifiably, just what this religion is all about. This is the classic English-language book for introducing Islam to non-Muslims in the West. It is a well-balanced book that does an excellent job of covering the basics of belief, practice, and culture, without overwhelming the reader in minutia. This is generally the first book that I recommend to people who are interested in learning about Islam.
-5- The Bible, The Qur’an and Science. “La Bible, le Coran et la Science”. The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge By Dr. Maurice Bucaille PDF
-6- What is the Origin of Man? By Dr. Maurice Bucaille
read online
7- Islam Between East and West by Alija Izetbegović (first president of Republic of Bosnia) PDF
8- The Man in the Red Underpants by A. Green
9- Just One Message by Dr. Naji Arfaj
10- the last one and the best is “My Great Love for Jesus Led Me to Islam” by Simon Alfredo Caraballo. i have read this book more than six times and have it in three languages. really amazing ❤️
Simon Alfredo Caraballo is a convert to Islam from Venezuela.
recommended readings:
The Big Questions Dr. Laurence B. Brown (with video lecture)
truth of life
judgement day beings of the Judgement Day according to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
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Allah knows best.