China’s Rainbow Colored Mountains Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park
China’s Rainbow Colored Mountains
The Rainbow Mountains, located in China’s Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park are considered one of the geological wonders of the world. These mountains take their colors from the colorful rock formations and are a major tourist destination. This site was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Normally, no one would think of any mountains to take such amazing colors but the Quran mentions the existence of colorful mountains as one of Allah’s creations. Here is the verse of the Quran.
( Have you not seen that Allah sends down water from the sky? With it We produce fruits of various colors. And in the mountains are streaks of white and red — varying in their hue — and pitch-black. Likewise, human beings, animals, and livestock come in various colors. From among His servants, the learned fear Allah. Allah is Almighty, Oft-Forgiving )
The Quran 35:27–28
( of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colors )
The Quran 30:22
… Glory to the Creator…